Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Downward Spiral

From what I read, the causes of Frozen Shoulder can be hard to pin down, but in my case it started with a rotator cuff injury.

The next step is pain, leading to you deliberately or unconsciously limiting movement. Something also triggers inflammation which adds to the pain, and discourages movement even more.

Restricting movement leads to loss of muscle tone but importantly, also encourages the joint to dry up. There can be a substantial loss of lubricating fluid in the joint leading to.....further inflammation and more pain. So of course you respond by further limiting movement, and down you spiral.

The moral here? Don't give into the temptation to lock your arm by your side.  This doesn't mean exercising to excess. The rule of thumb is that you should not feel pain for more than about 15-30 minutes after exercise. Too much, or too vigorous exercise can cause make the problem worse so it can be a fine line.  More on exercises to come.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Progress hooray!

Last week was bad. This week is much better, which may be helped by the Naproxen.

I just compared a picture of my shoulder back on 9 Sep, and the difference is clear. I have undoubtedly gained a good degree of additional movement.  It also makes a mockery of my attempted system of measurement since that barely shows any improvement.

Meanwhile, check the harsh treatment system used by this practioner!!  I am so not going to him!  It's killing me just looking at it.

Checked my diary, and I'm now about 10 weeks into this. From what I've heard and read, that means I'm actually doing very well.  Some do much worse. 

Yesterday Monique told me how she'd been in hospital for a minor operation and in the next bed was woman writhing in agon she'd been admitted thinking she was having a heart attack, but it turned out she had mega dose of Frozen Shoulder.  Triggered, it seems, by another hospital stay for an ankle treatment which caused her to lie for too long on one side.

15% of people develop FS in both sides.  What an awful thought!  You'd be nearly crippled by such a condition.