Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bingo Wings

This whole affair is a challenge to my masculinity.  I've always been fit and strong, and never had a chronic physical injury like this. Too bad I didn't get the initial injury tossing the khyber, shot-put, or dwarf. No, it was a flimsy little sponge ball. How girly is that?

My right-arm strength is probably about 50% of what it would be. I've even developed a bingo wing! If you don't know what that means - it's a bit of a cruel joke against old people who play bingo. When they put their hand up, the wing of flesh under their arm flaps ungracefully.

The loose flap of flesh under my arm is testimony to the lack of use it's getting. A similar thing is showing on the tip of my shoulder. The other day I asked Feng if the slight lump there is normal. He tells me it's the tendon revealed as the muscle has shrunk. Don't tell anyone, but I've never been one of those bulky over-muscled types. Still, this is a bit rough!

However at this stage the priorities are to control the pain, and get movement back. Then strength will follow.

Even breaking my collarbone wasn't this bad. That hurt a lot more, but every day I was a little better. With Frozen Shoulder - so far - every day is nearly the same; sometimes better, sometimes worse. But the last to days I've been doing better. Today better still, and the optimist in me says I'm on the road out of this pit.

About 6 weeks in, so I have a way to go, but if the last couple of days continue, I'm optimistic. We'll see!

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